Creation, Revelation, and Redemption as the Three Key Boxes of Jewish Faith

Judaism can be divided into three key boxes of faith into which Moses Maimonodes 13 principles of faith can fit. The three keys are creation, revelation, and redemption. “Belief in the universe as G-d’s work, the torah as G-d’s word. That’s creation and revelation. When we apply revelation to creation, the result is redemption,” Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks said, “because Jewish history began with G-d redeeming the Jewish people from slavery to freedom, and the challenge ever since is to create a free society of justice and compassion that respects the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human individual."

Rabbi Sacks provided a series of online interviews on Judaism for Torah Café. In his introductory sermon, he reminds us that creation, revelation, and redemption are the three principles into which all the other more detailed principles fit.  Watch the video

City Serene is a non-denominational news service providing the cultural and healing practices of various faith-based and artistic groups for a general audience. Contributors provide their perspectives here to offer solace and invite dialogue with respect to believers of all faiths, as well as non-believers.