The Jewish new year this September 14, Rosh Hashanah, is the year 5776 on the Jewish calendar. Rosh Hashanah is celebrated by eating sweet fruits like apples and pomegranates. The holiday is given the name "head of the year" as the shofar or ram's horn is blown to announce G-d's special presence in our lives during the sacred days between the new year and Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement. We pray that our deeds will be acceptable, ask for forgiveness for shortcomings, and welcome the almighty into our everyday lives in order to experience a spiritual connection in life. Like Isaac, we should receive the gift of laughter, the confidence to speak up for what we believe in, and to be receptive to G-d's presence so that we may be more joyful and find our purpose. Happy, sweet new year.


Recipe for Curried Cauliflower:

1 head of cauliflower (steamed)

tbsp butter

tsp curry power

1/4 c bread crumbs

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1/2 c cheddar cheese

 Stir all ingredients together. Cover with tin foil and bake till cheese is melted and heated through. Enjoy!