Salvia or sage from garden

City Serene reports on faith traditions that connect the mind, body, and spirit within the humanistic tradition.


Where just yesterday there was radiant sunshine today there's wind and chill.

It's jacket and jeans weather, and time to start thinking about gathering firewood.

The kids are up before sunrise, and getting ready for their daily routine.

They're optimistic listening to music looking forward to meeting friends at school,

doubt they are thinking about homework or college at the moment.

I pause to share what I am grateful for.

These lavender flowers remind me of a Van Gogh still life, each sage leaf and petal curling

or drooping, with stems perfectly defined in a clear milk jug. The jug

is propped on a fire orange book to match the manga poster contrasted

against a cerulean wall at a slightly askew angle.

This is where faith enters the picture. Faith to find beauty and hope when

the cold and uncertainty creeps in.