J.Raulston Garden                                 Illustration by Julie Z. Russo

Prayer through Walking

The labyrinth is a sacred pattern that leads you on a prescribed path to its center and back out again.

Walking the labyrinth is a way of praying with the body that invites the divine presence into an active conversation with the heart and soul. By engaging in this walking meditation, we are fully engaging our minds, bodies, and spirits at the same time.

There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. Some people walk with the intention of addressing an issue in their lives, others to pray and meditate. It is helpful to pause before you enter to center your thoughts on your intention.

Walk between the lines of the circuit, being aware that you are sharing the labyrinth with others. You may pass other walkers, or let them step around you. When you reach the center you have entered the most sacred space in the labyrinth. The center is a place to pause, reflect, and receive insight.

Walking the path back out of the labyrinth is a time for deep reflection and a chance to consider what it might mean for your daily living. Once you have completed your labyrinth walk, you may want to find a quiet place to sit and reflect. Our hope is that you will leave with renewed vision and a refreshed spirit.

Excerpts from the Washington National Cathedral at http://www.nationalcathedral.org/worship/crossroads.shtml